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Do you parle Criolo? (EN)

The Creole of CAPE VERDE is based on Portuguese and African, although the official language is Portuguese, the majority of the island’s inhabitants speak only Creole ( krioulu). That’s why you need a basic vocabulary for your immersion.

IMPORTANT, when addressing an elderly person we always start by saying: Nhu/Nha dam benço which means word for word give me the blessing. In culture this is a mark of respect towards the elders.


English Criolo
Good morning bom dia / boms hora
Bonjour boms hora
Good afternoon boa tarde
Hello Oi / ola
Good night boa noite (at night)
Goodbye adeus / tchao/ até logo
Thank you obrigado (for a men), obrigada (for a woman)
Your welcome Di nada
Please por favor, se faz favor.
Sorry Nhu/Nha dam licensa


English Criolo
What’s your name Modi ki bu tchoma
My name is Nha nomi é / Um tchoma …
Nice to meet you Prazer
How are you Modi ki bo sta (for young people)
How are you Modi ki stado (for old people)
How are you Fixe? ( street language)
I am fine Um sta bom
Not so bad Mas o menos / alem li

Usual words

English Criolo
Yes si
No não
Open aberto
Close fechado
Where it is ? onde e, onde fica ?
What time is ? a que horas ?
Quelle heure est-il ? Que horas sta ?
Aujourd’hui hoje
Demain amanha
Hier ontem
Maintenant agora
Après Desposs
Il est tard Sta tarde
Il est tôt Sta cèdo
Demain de bonne heure Amanha cèdo

: onde e, onde fica ?
: a que horas ?

What time is it? : Que horas sta?
Today : hoje – Tomorrow : amanha – Yesterday : ontem.- Now: goci – After: Despos

It is late : Sta tarde
It is to early : Sta cèdo
Tomorrow morning : Amanha cèdo

On the shops

How much it costs ? : quanto custa ?

I want a bottle of water : Um cré uma garafa d’agua
It is too expensive : E muito caro
I want  to buy cigarette : Um cré compra cigaros
Do you have smatches?: Bo tem fos?

Biscuits : Bolachas

Juice: Sumo

Alcohol drink: Bebida

Tooth brush: Scova de dente

Hygienic towel: Penso

Shower gel: Gel de banho

Soap: Sabom

Desinfectant: Disinfetante


At the restaurant

Breakfast : Pequeno almoço
Lunch : Almoço
Diner : Jantar
Knife : Uma faca
Fork: Um garfo
Spoon: Um colher
Tea spoon : Uma colherinha
Bread : Pão
Salt/ Sugar: Sal / Açucra
Beer: Cerveja
Water : Agua
Coffee/ Tea: Café/ Chá
White wine/ Red wine : Vinho branco / Tinto
Plate : Um prato
Rice with fish : Arroz com peixe (peiche)

Fish and chips: Arroz com batata frito
With salsa : Com molho
Meat : Carne

Fish: Peixe
Grilled : Assado

Salad : Salada
Steack : Bife
hard eggs : Ovo cozido
fried eggs : Ovos estrelados
Omelet : Omeletas
Pork : Porco
Chicken: Frango
Shark : Tubarão
Lobster : Lagosta
French fries : Batatas fritas
Fish stew : Caldo de peixe
Octopus : Polvo
Cheese: Qeijo
Desert : Sobremesa (sobremeza)
The bill please : Conta por favor

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